VIC MK3 @vicmk3

Age 27, Male

Hobby Artist indie


Joined on 11/9/19

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vicmk3's News

Posted by vicmk3 - November 1st, 2023


This makes me very happy, especially since I wanted to try a different style from what I was used to doing.

At first, I didn't really believe in this digital painting, I told myself that it had been seen again and again, but the song and the text that accompanies it reinforce its originality in my opinion.

Because the idea was to take up the little story of Sarah White, a missing young woman and friend of VIC MK3

and to make a ghostly version, with the idea of making a sequel to the story of a robot who searches for his friend, lost in the Backrooms/Luminal-Space

I'm just tossing the idea like that, because I don't know if I would be motivated to write a new story, especially on the Backrooms which, like the SCP, is a collective work where there are rules to follow to respect the basic concept.

Anyway, In any case, I thank you for the 100 Views that Gyöngyhajú lány had and I think that he will have other posts that will reach the 100 Views, I will keep you informed

Thank you again, have a good day or evening and BI BI everyone ^^


Posted by vicmk3 - October 20th, 2023

I don't think it's right, maybe I'll take a break.

there's so much going on right now that I feel like I'm going crazy I'm not going to make a list, I'm tired of making lists of what's wrong anymore, right now we're in a critical stage of "mutil-crisis". I'm still glad that there are alternatives, but as long as it takes to get used to new situations, maybe I'll get depressed without knowing, I have no idea. I'm just fed up, I feel like I'm doing crap drawing-wise, I feel like I'm not evolving, my heard hurts...

After that, it's in my nature to dramatize things all the time, maybe things will be better tomorrow and maybe I'll draw a picture, you never know, it's a day-by-day thing. But right now, I feel like I'm losing my patience with everything, that I never have enough time, I really need to calm down, especially with this YouTube thing that's got me in such a tizzy. Anyway, thanks again for the support, I don't thank enough the people who support me in what I do. Keep up what you're doing, you're the best, BI BI to you all




Posted by vicmk3 - September 25th, 2023

I'm not complaining, unless it's a bug or something not so serious, but... Where are the drawings I published!?


re-edit : It's okay, the problem has been fixed, I knew it would be fixed, now I wish it to others that this problem is fixed too.


Posted by vicmk3 - September 11th, 2023

So, I don't often do this, but I'd like to say a big thank you for these 300 Views on my drawings, of which here are the screenshots :




Well, I imagine that with my drawings together, there are more views than that, but I don't want to calculate everything, and even so, these drawings have 100 views each.

In my opinion, this is proof that people are interested in my work, which is basically a hobby, but I've always loved being noticed for my drawings ever since I was in high school in Belgium.

It makes me feel less alone and that, even though I have an atypical style that doesn't match the artistic standards I've seen on the internet in recent years, I was right to continue expressing myself, drawing and, above all, experimenting with my little artistic delirium on my own as I see fit, without anyone dictating what I should do.

Anyway, just to say thank you very much, even if I only have 6 fans, it's a pleasure too, but the most important thing is that there are people who like what I do and it's a great pleasure to publish my drawings in one of the freest artistic sites I've ever seen on the internet.

BI BI see you and next post ^^



Posted by vicmk3 - July 29th, 2023

Hello everyone.

Well, I've been posting my drawings here on newgrounds and it's cool to see that people love my work, even if there are not many people, it doesn't matter, the important thing is to share this I'm doing and precisely, The idea is simple, I want to share... A huge thing, a job that I had done a long time ago and that it took me 2 years to do.

To put it simply, it's a story that I made with my characters, one of which I really loved to draw, but not too much now, with a lot of music and in a mars attack card format and no, they're not playing cards, but which tells a story, because it was easier than making a comic/manga that it requires too much organization and seems insurmountable to do according to my level.


But there you have it, the major problem that this story has and that you immediately noticed: All the text is purely in French with a lot of writing mistakes, because when you're dyslexic and you write a story, I don't tell you the damn to make the correction and there are people who helped me make the correction.

These two stories are:iu_1035847_7709989.webp


So... how am I going to publish two old stories that nobody cares about and whose text is in French and not even in English, because hey, if we do the whole story in Google translation, don't mess around, you have to still something that is a minimum of quality.

If I had this idea which looks stupid on paper, well it's a bit to show my know-how when I'm very motivated and also to show what my artistic universe was like before taking a completely different direction, which I have no idea how it will evolve over time?

I hope you have been able to read everything and have been intrigued by my idea, despite the quality of this blog, all done in google translation, because I am bad at English. But thank you in advance for your comments and messages, it will be my pleasure to have your opinion. See you next drawing as usual and BI BI to you ^^


Posted by vicmk3 - April 4th, 2023

Heyy friend, I'm VIC and welcome to STOCK.

I've just arrived in the area and it looks pretty good, I've started to set up something on my side and I hope it will get some visitors here.

Me and my group of friends, we travel all over the networks to get known a little bit, it's been a long time since we watch and get inspired by what's going on on the internet and pop culture in general.

Anyway, I'm going to continue to install my stuff and if you want to support us, feel free to check out our instagram account:


Anyway, have a good day or evening and BI BI to you
