VIC MK3 @vicmk3

Age 27, Male

Hobby Artist indie


Joined on 11/9/19

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vicmk3's News

Posted by vicmk3 - April 20th, 2024



Posted by vicmk3 - April 4th, 2024


Thank you for the 100 views for a drawing with a character who has evolved enormously.

Basically, it wasn't Vic MK3 who was the most at the center of my drawings, but Darkin Kimiro, a demon in the same vein as Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, but done in my style and that has been around for years. I'm already drawing this character, before Hazbin Hotel existed.


Over time, I had personal problems and part of these problems were linked to this character, in a way, the representation of all the problems I had had, so I wanted to get back to basics even what the character was supposed to be: the dark side.

Which gave a character of a real demon straight out of a nightmare, with a Freddy Krueger side.

For the fact that he has a broken mouth, it was inspired by a long-standing nightmare of mine that I remembered, where I ate something and my mouth melted, and it broke down with the teeth falling apart. Breaks like biting into a lollipop.


And so this character who was once the mascot of my work became an antagonist in the same logic as Voldemort, the fact of never pronouncing his name for the risk of getting yourself killed. it remains a character that I love to draw.

What I regret is that I don't have a lot of characters to draw, I have to have 7, including 4 who are recurring, 2 who are the main antagonists, and 1 who comes from my story project The Lost Home.

I often see artists who create lots of characters very easily with their own universe, or others who are more used to making Fan-Art or OCs from a very specific fictional universe.

But there you go, my characters are all original and I have an artistic universe that is specific to me, very inspired by rock and pop culture album covers of all kinds, but also by indie video games which generally have very striking and unique for some, especially since I set foot on Newgrounds, it has been an inexhaustible source of new ideas for an artist in my genre.

In any case. I thank you for these 100 Views, I would like to be more active on Newgrounds, especially in the forums, but I never know what to talk about other than thanking you for giving 100 Views to each of my drawings.

It's the only thing I've found to be active on Newgrounds, but deep down I'd like to do a lot more and talk with other artists on the site, maybe that would encourage me more to make more other stuff in the future, anyway, I continue to work on my personal project The Lost Home and some drawings from time to time, as usual.

In short, Bi Bi to all and see you next post/drawing, tchao



Posted by vicmk3 - April 2nd, 2024


Thank you for the 100 views for... a drawing that honestly, seeing it again like that, I don't find it terrible, limit, I really didn't break my ass on this one.

If I remember correctly, I had to rush, because the message was important, saying that Silicon Valley companies were perhaps on the same level as gangs.

I wanted to play on this rotten metaphor, I think it's one of those drawings where, he had a good idea on paper, but the practice didn't really follow through and it ended up being crap, Quite rare cases, but it happens, there are days when you can't be 100%.

In any case, I'm just surprised to have had 100 View on this one, if I would have known, I regret not having done my best, but it's always nice to see all this crazy support on this site.

Seriously, compared to other sites, this is the one where I really feel like I exist, and not like a ghost on Instagram.

Thank you for your attention on my work and don't hesitate to go see my other drawings, on this BI BI everyone and see you next post/drawing




Posted by vicmk3 - March 8th, 2024



Well, Ohwaa, I would never have thought of such a thing, Two different posts having 100 Views at the same time, which makes 200 Views at once, it's huge

Already, Pusherman... it's just a little drawing where I wanted to imitate the style of another artist on the site, but while keeping my own sauce.

Finally, I don't regret it, it remains an interesting little exercise that I don't do often enough, but afterward... I went into another frenzy with the backrooms and especially the following Post which had 100 views.

Take 2 : Deep Blue Day... This post is part of my fiction The Lost Home, and for those who are interested in my graphic novel, I'm still working on it and I'm taking my time to work on it.

I don't have much feedback on it, but at worst, I don't care, it's just a story that I created for fun and to pass the time, so there's not a lot of pressure to put on.

Afterwards, I don't have much to say about it, let's avoid spoilers and other idle ideas, I just hope to make the project last long enough, a bit like a series.

Anyway, in any case, I thank you for these 200 Views, it gives me more confidence in what I do, even if drawing remains a hobby for me, it remains the best way to express myself on the internet.

On this, see you next post and BI BI to all



Posted by vicmk3 - February 16th, 2024


Finally, it doesn't stop, I published my previous post more or less 12 hours ago on "Thanks for the 100 Views for F@ck Fallout"

But the. You are great community, 100 Views for Norway, I thank you very much for this one which is my favorite.

Take 4: Norway is part of my story "The Lost Home" and for those who haven't followed, I leave you the playlist link of the latter

Norway is (I think) the best I can do, most of the drawings I do are often accompanied by music, this one is no exception.

The title is in reference to Norway by R. Stevie Moore, an independent artist who has been recording his own music since the 60s and Norway is in my opinion his most beautiful song ever made.

There is something that I felt in this song and which inspired me for my story, this nostalgic, but confused, even distant feeling.

The main character in my story has amnesia, he certainly has memories of his past, but too vague and confused.

I'm going to avoid spoilers, but while I was racking my brain about the progress of The Lost Home, I remembered this song Norway, and then it clicked for me.

It was the song I needed to sum up the state of mind of the main character and the drawing I made sums up quite well what I had in mind.

In any case, A huge thank you for the 100 views for Norway, a concentrate of those that I can do best in my work.

Sometimes I know I'm not at 100% of my abilities. But I think Norway is who I was 100%, despite some doubts during the process.

But then, as they say, the creators themselves are not the best to judge their own works, only the public are the only judges.

Anyway, thank you again, you are a great community, these views give me more courage to continue my work, especially since it's been a long time since I've done a big story project like this one.

BI BI everyone and see you next post/drawing on Newgrounds.



Posted by vicmk3 - February 15th, 2024


So here, I'm surprised... 100 Views for F@ck Fallout.

But, unlike Fnaf, I love Fallout, or rather its universe and the lore around it, I see lots of videos on YouTube talking about it and that has always intrigued me.

A Post-Apo universe incorporating a Retrofuturism aesthetic from the 50s, nuclear energy pushed into a completely different delirium and a devastated world that even Mad Max would never have imagined.

But to put it simply, if I wanted to say Fuck to this license that I had adored a while ago, it can only be summed up in one word: Bethesda

There, I think I don't need to explain for those who are used to the Bethesda game, so I'll spare you the details.

For me, it's a potential waste, Bethesda made Fallout a bit like a kind of DisneyLand Post-Apo version, where certainly, we keep the basic theme: War never dies.

But in the end, shown that certainly, Post-Apo sucks, but we're not doing so badly despite the radioactive monsters and factions of all kinds, just have power armor from the start of the game and it will be fine.

So afterward, I experienced the license with Fallout 3 and New Vegas (New Vegas which is the best of the license, the real ones know that)

And I saw videos where I saw the first games of the license and in terms of atmosphere, it had absolutely nothing to do with it, it was really darker, gloomy and hardcore than the last ones, and we didn't have the true definition of what an “open-world” was.

You started the game without understanding how it works, you can go wherever you want, you can kill anyone and do things that will make you question everything you do.

The first and second Fallout were absolutely a real post-apo simulator, while those of Bethesda, well, it's the land of Care Bears next door.

Afterward, I think that dark, gloomy and hardcore games still exist today, it's not a problem, but in my opinion, potential waste.

So, I still like the license and Fuck Bethesda for making buggy games and that the fans have to do all their work for them!

Anyway, this is what I wanted to express for this F@ck Fallout, which could have been a F@ck Bethesda, but I found that it would have touched people more, So Fallout Fans, put away your Fatman, I have nothing against the license.

In any case, Thank you for the 100 Views for my drawing and see you next post/drawing on Newgrounds, BI BI everyone ^^



Posted by vicmk3 - February 9th, 2024


Finally, it doesn't stop, 100 Views for Berlin Garden,

The funny thing is, if I had been motivated enough to come up with ideas, it could have made a story, but in the end, I got too caught up in how the story would unfold.

For me, a story must have a simple-to-understand beginning and must not go off in all directions only to become more delirious afterward, unless it is well written, therefore, well told.

But when you're a dyslexic like me, already knowing how to write is a miracle, but knowing how to write well without making spelling mistakes is like climbing a mountain without an oxygen bottle, it's not impossible , but it will require a superhuman effort.

In short, Berlin Garden over time, I think that the story of bringing together my characters who don't know each other, to make a music group and who in between, there is a villain in the story who stumbles all the way world like Freddy Krueger

The whole thing, in the city of Berlin, because it was more original than doing it in an average American city that we saw in, I don't know how many films...

Already there, there is a problem, how to bring the characters together logically and without taking the lead without going for easy writing.

Given that the story takes place in the real world, how can we explain the presence of VIC MK3, the blue robot with anime logic and the villain with supernatural powers, because a "Shut up, it's fiction", that's not an excuse.

In reality, I could do the story like that without bothering, taking all the possible ideas, even the stupidest ones, and putting everything in, just because it's "stylish".

But, I was afraid of making a story that wouldn't make sense, making a story is complicated and requires a crazy creative exercise and having to rack your brains to say,

What would be the right formula, the best way to write and the most stylish way to write a good story?

But in the end, I stopped worrying and over time, The Lost Home became my new project, Berlin Garden is almost a joke, even if the idea at the beginning had been great.

But I learned over time that explaining the origins of characters... is good, but you already have to know how to write well, which is not the case for me, I'm not a novel reader, it's up to It's hard to read a comic or manga a day.

Me, I'm a movie buff and passionate about music, I would have liked to make films, see animation, but since it requires a huge amount of money, a team to manage and an exciting dedication to this profession.

It's risky, and so, with my level, I knew how to find alternatives to tell stories, even if it's not my cup of tea, you have to adapt to your level.

In any case, thank you for the 100 Views for Berlin Garden.

BI BI to all and see you next post/drawing



Posted by vicmk3 - February 6th, 2024


Another big Thank you for the 100 Views on Ortolani Song, at the moment, I'm trying to continue The Lost Home, I'm racking my brain on all the possible ideas to present this story.

I had already shared my sources of inspiration on this project, including the backrooms and Liminal Space to give a good big creepy atmosphere.

But, as I had already spoken, this story can go in any direction at any time, including in big nonsense, see bullshit

Make a post-apo liminal space style, with the main character, an amnesiac and alone robot, with memories of a burning house and a woman as a common thread.

I already have ideas of what started this whole mess, I just don't want to copy from other already existing works and that when the public reads my story they will be like: Hey, but I Have you ever seen this somewhere?!

Putting monsters in, ok, that would be huge, it's an obstacle and I already have some ideas for a monster, but I would like to do something like "I am a legend", but without a monster, no survivor, just the main character Alone, a very psychological thing.

I might as well be honest, I'm undecided on the direction this story is going to take, but hey, anyway, I have plenty of time to do it, it remains a personal project without ambition, just creating a story to pass the time and doing something with my ten fingers, drawing is good, but writing a story with a few drawings to accompany it is even better.

Anyway, Another big thank you for the 100 Views, it's a big support for me, BI BI to all and see you next post



Posted by vicmk3 - February 1st, 2024


Honestly, when I made this drawing... well, let's say a mix of Photomontage / Pixel Art

I never thought I was going to get 200 Views for this one, you have to understand my logic, in my opinion, getting 100 Views is a miracle, but getting 200 Views... I'm on my ass.

I didn't think I had succeeded when I made this drawing, my goal was to do something fairly classic, I think I had started following images of Liminal Space on Instagram and watching videos on YouTube about the backrooms.

And then... I came across the song Omega - Gyöngyhajú lány:


I am a fan of rock music, this song was for me equivalent to a unicorn, just legendary and epic, I had just heard it in a car advert, an advert that often appears on TV, and indeed, this song got into my head, it was even an obsession.

While searching on YouTube, I came across it and it was the trigger to make my drawing, that's when I started to imagine a very emotional idea. Idea that became the future graphic novel project The Lost Home:

I think I will integrate Gyöngyhajú lány into The Lost Home, this drawing brings a very strong emotion that I would like to evolve and share with you.

Bi Bi to all and see you next post or drawing and Come support The Lost Home, I have already left the link, don't hesitate to take a look, it would make me happy ^^


Posted by vicmk3 - January 17th, 2024

Hi everyone who follows my drawings, right now I'm going to start working on a new project called: The Lost Home.

A new story that has been working in my head for a while and since I developed and created new characters by trying to put a little bit of text in each drawing to make them more interesting and the proof, many loved this that I write.

I made a decision that will piss me off, but, most sites have text limits, that unfortunately, it won't fit in Discord, Mastodon, Pixelfed and even less on Instagram, it's impossible to publish a story on these platforms, They are not designed for that.

Most Discord servers that I usually post my drawings with, these "text boxes" will be seen as spam and many will naturally ignore the "text box", with the legitimate question like: "Are you posting a novel or something ?"...

 In short, the decision is that this new project will be a "Newgrounds exclusive", this site can allow me to publish this new story without too much difficulty.

Well... the only problem is that the site is purely and mainly English... and I'm French, Lol, so the story will be broadcast in an automatic translation from English to Google or DeepL Translation of your choice, damn... I couldn't find a better way to publish this new story which will happen little by little, unexpectedly, and if I manage to make it last as long as possible.

It's been a long time since I wrote a story, and this project is with the aim of developing my writing skills and doing my best to come up with something "original" as I usually do.

Thank you for your attention on this text, sorry for the spam, BI BI everyone and see you next drawing

