VIC MK3 @vicmk3

Age 27, Male

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Thanks for the 100 Views of... F@ck Fallout

Posted by vicmk3 - February 15th, 2024


So here, I'm surprised... 100 Views for F@ck Fallout.

But, unlike Fnaf, I love Fallout, or rather its universe and the lore around it, I see lots of videos on YouTube talking about it and that has always intrigued me.

A Post-Apo universe incorporating a Retrofuturism aesthetic from the 50s, nuclear energy pushed into a completely different delirium and a devastated world that even Mad Max would never have imagined.

But to put it simply, if I wanted to say Fuck to this license that I had adored a while ago, it can only be summed up in one word: Bethesda

There, I think I don't need to explain for those who are used to the Bethesda game, so I'll spare you the details.

For me, it's a potential waste, Bethesda made Fallout a bit like a kind of DisneyLand Post-Apo version, where certainly, we keep the basic theme: War never dies.

But in the end, shown that certainly, Post-Apo sucks, but we're not doing so badly despite the radioactive monsters and factions of all kinds, just have power armor from the start of the game and it will be fine.

So afterward, I experienced the license with Fallout 3 and New Vegas (New Vegas which is the best of the license, the real ones know that)

And I saw videos where I saw the first games of the license and in terms of atmosphere, it had absolutely nothing to do with it, it was really darker, gloomy and hardcore than the last ones, and we didn't have the true definition of what an “open-world” was.

You started the game without understanding how it works, you can go wherever you want, you can kill anyone and do things that will make you question everything you do.

The first and second Fallout were absolutely a real post-apo simulator, while those of Bethesda, well, it's the land of Care Bears next door.

Afterward, I think that dark, gloomy and hardcore games still exist today, it's not a problem, but in my opinion, potential waste.

So, I still like the license and Fuck Bethesda for making buggy games and that the fans have to do all their work for them!

Anyway, this is what I wanted to express for this F@ck Fallout, which could have been a F@ck Bethesda, but I found that it would have touched people more, So Fallout Fans, put away your Fatman, I have nothing against the license.

In any case, Thank you for the 100 Views for my drawing and see you next post/drawing on Newgrounds, BI BI everyone ^^




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