VIC MK3 @vicmk3

Age 27, Male

Hobby Artist indie


Joined on 11/9/19

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Thanks for the 100 Views of The Lost Home

Posted by vicmk3 - January 13th, 2024


A huge thank you for the 100 views for The Lost Home, a drawing which is part of the continuity of The Unsolved Case: Sarah White.

Actually, I would like to do a story about this character, but I have no idea what to do, I had to talk about it several times on discord, but The Lost Home offers several possibilities for a story that could go into all the directions.

A Twin Peaks-style delirium? a madness at MyHouse.wad?

Basically, when I created The Unsolved Case: Sarah White, I went into a frenzy at the House of Leaves, a huge internet influence for creating the SCP, which also influenced Backrooms afterward.

Anyway, a real mess that only the internet has the secret of creating from scratch, I have already directed and written stories on my own, but I would like to do something more ambitious, especially with NewGround which could offer me lots of creative possibility, without being bothered by censorship.

To summarize what I have in mind at the moment, it could still change in the meantime

The Lost Home tells the story of the disappearance of Sarah White, the last trace of life was in an abandoned house which caught fire, She had been accompanied by a friend, the latter mysteriously knows how to transform into a Robot.

The latter is awakened nowhere in a strange place, he will quickly learn that he is in an exclusion zone.

Sarah is still alive ?

Why be woken up in an exclusion zone?

For now, here's a quick and messy summary of the story, lately I learned about Stalker: Roadside Picnic.

I haven't read the book, nor seen the movie, let alone played the video games, I just watched a YouTube video talking about it and I found the idea really great.

But as I prefer to say, it's like distilling good alcohol, but without understanding how to make it, it's done on the fly, and add to that my ADHD and my dyslexia.

Writing a good story with sick ideas is cool, but with my level, it's an obstacle course, well, if I knew how to write well here, it's because I use an automatic translator, because yes... I'm French... I'm really faking down.

But Anywayyyy, a huge thank you for its 100 Views and I hope to keep this character of Sarah White for a future story project, BI BI everyone and see you next drawing/post




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