VIC MK3 @vicmk3

Age 27, Male

Hobby Artist indie


Joined on 11/9/19

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cope and seethe

I'm sorry, but... I will never understand internet slang, maybe some words, but that one... Fuck !

Honestly, I didn't know what to say to your comment. But, you know what's funny about this story...

Is that I have to make a ridiculously sick effort, to write blocks of text where I feel bad or in a random confidence do not know if my drawings are good or not, that it is only in this kind of post that annoys me to do, that I finally have the most interesting comment to start a conversation.

While in all the drawings that I post, some of which had something to make people react, No reaction, No one comments on these posts, except for one or two people who I thank, Cool, but not enough.

So... I ask myself too many questions, are we obliged to make pessimistic posts for people to comment?

Are we required to make fanart of such a license to have comments and shares?

Or maybe make quality illustrations like some artists who have studied or any online learning to have a minimum of recognition?

That's why I eventually gave up, I'll never understand the internet and how people use it? Basically, how does sociability work? Apart from a hello and goodbye, it doesn't go any further.

It's very nice of you to make this comment, when it would have been better to have more interesting comments in other posts?

How could I make this drawing?
What reference did I use?
What easter egg does my drawing have?
Why did I put a YouTube link that shares music that I love?

It was enough to make react, but given the situation that has always been the same, I might as well stop worrying morbidly about this bullshit, since no one pays attention to it and doesn't care about what I share, my love for pop culture and drawing, except again, for one or two people who I very thank, but, this very not enough, I want more !

It's not my fault if I love talking and that for me, drawing is the only way to communicate with people, but that in the end, Shit, it's one of the wastes of time that I still wonder today.

How do I stay in front of this damn screen waiting for nothing for a damn comment and in the end never knowing what to answer afterward! It's not normal!

Internet is toxic and has made me toxic over the years. Just... I'm so tired and that I'm really too old for this bullshit, while at the time of writing these lines, I'm 27 years old... there's really something fucking wrong !

@vicmk3 bazinga